Following pins of Atmega16 is used in programmer circuit-
Pin NO. | Description |
6 | MOSI (SPI Bus Master Output/Slave Input |
7 | MISO (SPI Bus Master Input/Slave Output) |
8 | SCK (SPI Bus Serial Clock) |
9 | Reset |
10 | Vcc |
11 | Ground |
Table-Atmega16 Pins
• SCK – Port B, Pin 7
SCK: Master Clock output, Slave Clock input pin for SPI channel. When the SPI is enabled as a Slave, this pin is configured as an input regardless of the setting of DDB7.When the SPI is enabled as a Master; the data direction of this pin is controlled by DDB7. When the pin is forced by the SPI to be an input, the pull-up can still be controlled by the PORTB7 bit.
• MISO – Port B, Pin 6
MISO: Master Data input, Slave Data output pin for SPI channel. When the SPI is enabled as a Master, this pin is configured as an input regardless of the setting of DDB6. When the SPI is enabled as a Slave, the data direction of this pin is controlled by DDB6. When the pin is forced by the SPI to be an input, the pull-up can still be controlled by the PORTB6 bit.
• MOSI – Port B, Pin 5
MOSI: SPI Master Data output, Slave Data input for SPI channel. When the SPI is enabled as a Slave, this pin is configured as an input regardless of the setting of DDB5. When the SPI is enabled as a Master, the data direction of this pin is controlled by DDB5. When the pin is forced by the SPI to be an input, the pull-up can still be controlled by the PORTB5 bit.
• RESET-Pin 9
Reset Input. A low level on this pin for longer than the minimum pulse length will generate a reset, even if the clock is not running.
• VCC -Pin 10
Digital supply voltage(+5V).
Following Pins are used in parallel port-
Pin No. | Description |
7,8,9 | Data pins |
10 | Status pin |
19 | Ground |
Interfacing -
In programmer circuit pins of parallel port which are above described has to interface with pins of ATmega16 microcontroller which are responsible for in-system programming. The parallel port can be interfaced directly with microcontroller. To avoid reverse current we can use Schottkey diodes as safety precaution for pc motherboard.
Following pins of
| Atmega16 |
Pin 7 | Reset (Pin 9) |
Pin 8 | SCK (Pin8) |
Pin 9 | MOSI (Pin6) |
Pin 10 | MISO(Pin7) |
Pin 19 | Ground(Pin11) |
Interface Connections
Fig-Circuit Diagram of ATmega16 Programmer
Fig. The Snapshot
WinAVR– WinAVR is open source package in which we use two sub-programs
Programmers Notepad & Mfile.
Creator- Simon Steele
Purpose- 1. To write code.
2. To compile coding.
3. To generate Hex Code.
4. To burn Hex code.
The next tutorial will make you aware with how to install and use WinAVR for compiling and burning the program.
For a very good Tutorial on AVR USB Programmer, follow this link:
Aditya Sharma